James Byers is a husband, father, pastor, author, and coach. James and his loving wife, Jenna, reside in Worland, WY. Their family combines three biological children and two adopted children, who joined the family when they were 9 and 10 years old. Foster parenting is in their lives by way of Jenna, whose mother and father were foster parents for 18 years. These personal experiences shaped his interest in children and families of foster care. James is an accomplished author, publishing five children's books with The Foster Opossums as his most recent and favorite. The Foster Opossums is a true story from his childhood experience. His message is: the care and compassion children in foster care receive from foster parents and their families, foster care workers, churches and communities embrace them and love them for the beautiful young people they are, with the hope of making their current lives better and their futures brighter.