28 books • 14 series
Simple Skincare and Anti-Aging
Sleeping Baby
Photography as a Pastime or a Business
Bilingual Collection for Children
Bajo Las Olas 1, 2, 3/Under the Sea 1, 2, 3 (A+ Books: Counting)
Bajo Las Olas 1 2 3/Under Th D (Sorting and Counting Books)
Under the Sea 1 2 3 D (Counting Books)
Edinburgh Castle (Castles, Palaces & Tombs)
Hearst Castle (Castles, Palaces & Tombs)
Flood! (X-Treme Disasters That Changed America)
The Forbidden City
Castle Dracula (Castles, Palaces & Tombs)
Peru (Many Cultures, One World)
Abraham Lincoln (First Biographies (Capstone))
Afghanistan (Many Cultures, One World)
New Hampshire (Land of Liberty (Capstone Press))
George Washington (First Biographies (Capstone))
Counting Books (Counting Books)
Alphabet Books (Alphabet Books)
Jackie Robinson (Photo-Illustrated Biographies)
Vermont (Land of Liberty (Capstone Press))
Michigan (Land of Liberty (Capstone Press))
Maine (Land of Liberty (Capstone Press))
ABC Under the Sea (Alphabet Books (Capstone)) (Alphabet Books)