I was born in Washington, dc, at greater southeast community hospital on April 5, 1983. I am the youngest of six siblings on both my mother and father sides of the family. I was raised by my great great-aunt Pearl Levy, in Glenarden Maryland. The first emotion I remember feeling as a child was the day the little boy was taken out of the household. I never understood why it bothered me so much until I became much older, when i found out that little boy was my brother. My childhood was just a bunch of feelings like there was so much i didn't know and couldn't ask and purely feeling as if i didn't belong. My childhood memories were of very few happy days, mainly praying to discover who I really was and why I was having such a hard time with my identity. That's when I discovered church, writing, and music the three things that kept me feeling peaceful and in a world of my own happiness.