Linda J. Young, Ph.D., Oklahoma State University, is a Professor of Statistics at the University of Florida where she teaches, consults, and conducts research on statistical methods in public health, agricultural, environmental, and ecological settings. Dr. Young previously was a faculty member at Oklahoma State University and the University of Nebraska. Her more than 100 publications have appeared in 49 different journals, and was a recipient of the American Statistical Association's Founders Award. She has been editor of the Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics and associate editor for Biometrics and Sequential Analysis. She has served as President of the Eastern North American Region of the American Statistical Association, Vice-President of the American Statistical Association, Chair of the Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies, member of the National Institute of Statistical Science's Board of Directors, fellow of the American Statistical Association, and elected member of the International Statistical Institute. She has also served on numerous panels for the National Science Foundation and Environmental Protection Agency. Dr. Young's recent research has focused on linking disparate data sets and the subsequent analysis of these data using spatial statistical methods.