Sumner Blount has been associated with the development and marketing of software products for over 25 years. He has managed the large computer operating system development group at Digital Equipment and Prime Computer, and was Director of Software for Pathway Designs. He later was instrumental in the original conception and development of the DCE (Distributed Computing Environment) technology from the Open Software Foundation, and served as the DCE Program Manager within Digital. He also was the Chairman of the DCE Special Interest Group for five years. More recently, he has held a number of Product Management positions, including management of the Distributed Computing Product Management group at Digital and Senior Product Manager at Netegrity. He came to CA Technologies in 2004, where he has served in the Security and the GRC product marketing groups. He currently is the Director of Security Solutions and focuses primarily on compliance issues.
He is the author of several industry journal articles, and has spoken at a number of industry conferences.