Alison Hine gained a BA degree in English and French at the University of Strathclyde, during which time she joined the Officers Training Corps, gaining a TA commission in 1972.  She was subsequently commissioned into the Regular Army in 1974, serving initially in the Women’s Royal Army Corps and subsequently in the Adjutant General’s Corps.  She held a variety of appointments, both regimental and staff, serving in various parts of the UK and in Hong Kong.  As a graduate of the Joint Services Defence College she also served in both single and tri-Service appointments in the Ministry of Defence.

Following early retirement in 2002 in the rank of Colonel, Alison completed a part-time MA degree in Military Studies at Chester College and started working as a freelance battlefield tour guide, taking tours to the Western Front. She became an Accredited Guide (Badge No 36) of the Guild of Battlefield Guides in 2007.

Transferring to the University of Birmingham, Alison continued her research and gained a PhD in 2015 for her examination of the management of Infantry replacements for battalions on the Western Front. Her previous military experience helped to inform her research – and her understanding of the terminology!

Alison is a member of the Western Front Association, the Battlefields Trust and the Guild of Battlefield Guides.  She lives with her husband in Shropshire where they walk their dog and keep bees in their spare time.