57 books • 3 series
Joe Kissell has written numerous books about the Macintosh, including many popular Take Control ebooks. He's also Senior Editor of TidBITS and a Senior Contributor to Macworld, and previously spent ten years in the Mac software industry.
Take Control of the Mac Command Line with Terminal
Take Control of Speeding Up Your Mac
Take Control of Apple Mail in Mountain Lion
Take Control of Maintaining Your Mac
Take Control of Apple Mail in Lion
Take Control of Getting Started with Devonthink 2
Take Control of Backing Up Your Mac
IPad Companion
Take Control of Upgrading to Lion
Take Control of Working with Your Ipad
Take Control of Mail on the iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch (Take Control)
Take Control of Your Paperless Office
Take Control of Vmware Fusion 3
Take Control of Apple Mail in Snow Leopard
Take Control of Upgrading to Snow Leopard
Take Control of Troubleshooting Your Mac
Mac Security Bible (Bible, #671)
Take Control of Vmware Fusion 2
Take Control of Running Windows on a Mac (Take Control)
Take Control of Spam with Apple Mail (Take Control)
Take Control of Apple Mail in Leopard
50 Fast Mac OS X Techniques (50 Fast Techniques, #10)
Take Control of Mobileme
Take Control of Upgrading to Leopard