14 books • 5 series
Molekulphysik Und Quantenchemie
Molecular Physics and Elements of Quantum Chemistry (Advanced Texts in Physics)
The Physics of Atoms and Quanta (Workshops in Computing) (Advanced Texts in Physics)
Synergetic Computers and Cognition (Springer Series in Synergetics, Vol 50) (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, #50)
Atomic and Quantum Physics
The Science of Structure
Laser Theory
Evolution of Order and Chaos
Atom- und Quantenphysik
Quantum Field Theory of Solids
Excitons at High Density (Springer Tracts in Modern Physics)
Quantenfeldtheorie Des Festkoerpers
Cooperative Phenomena,
Handbuch Der Physik / Encyclopedia of Physics Gruppe 5 Optik / Optics Band 25 FL]Gge, S.(Hg): Hdb Physik Bd 25 (Abgeschlossen) Teil 2 Genzel: Licht Und Materie / Light and Matter Licht Und Materie IC / Light and Matter IC