Sonia Sabnis is a 21 year old writer from India. In 2016, Sonia began using Instagram as a platform to express feelings through words. Her work is a reflection of what our hearts endure from time and time and it is her simple and raw style of writing, which enables her to strike a chord with majority of her readers. A student of Literature and Psychology, Sonia has always been interested in the similarity of human experiences and emotions and so her page (@s.sabniswriter) is a comfortable and creative space, where she writes poetry that people can relate to. 'A lot like love' is her first poetry book and it is written with the intention of being a hand for people to hold onto, in moments when they feel broken and lonely and a light to help guide them, in moments when they seem stuck in the darkness.
Feb 18, 2019
Cover of A Lot Like Love

A Lot Like Love