George Young currently heads the Acquisition Search function within DCC plc, an industrial holding company quoted in London and Dublin. He has worked with the company in London, Dublin and Boston, and previously worked with a subsidiary of AT&T. Dr Young sits on the boards of three DCC businesses in the computer field, as well as one US company in the health-care business. He is a former chairman of the Irish Venture Capital Association and a director of the European Venture Capital Association. He chairs the Telecommunications Services Policy Committee within the Irish Business and Employers' Confederation (IBEC), and is a member of the National Executive Council of the IBEC. He holds an MBA and a PhD in electronic engineering.

Oct 30, 2015
Cover of I'm Keeping Young

I'm Keeping Young

Jan 6, 2014
Cover of The New Germany

The New Germany

Aug 6, 2009
Cover of Milkwood Estate

Milkwood Estate