10 books • 1 series
Memoirs of Lieutenant-General Sir Thomas Picton, G. C. B. &c, Vol. 1 of 2
There's No Smoke Without Fire
The Trial of Governor T. Picton; For Inflicting the Torture on Louisa Calderon, a Free Mulatto, and One of His Britannic Majesty's Subjects, in the Is
The Trial of Governor T. Picton; For Inflicting the Torture on Louisa Calderon, a Free Mulatto, and One of His Britannic Majesty's Subjects, in the Island of Trinidad, Tried Before Lord Chief Justice Ellenborough and a Special Jury, and Found Guilty
The Perilous Adventures of Quintin Harewood and His Brother Brian in Asia, Africa, and America
A Letter Addressed to the Rt. Hon. Lord Hobart; His Majesty's Late Principal Secretary of State for the Colonial Department
Acrostics from Across the Atlantic, and Other Poems, Humorous and Sentimental
Life and Writings of Frank Forester (Henry William Herbert.)
Acrostics from Across the Atlantic
Old Gotham Theatricals (I.O. Evans Studies in the Philosophy and Criticism of Litera, #12)