19 books • 2 series
Alarm Units!
Siegrunen Number 80 - Summer 2008
Britisches Freikorps: British Volunteers of the Waffen-SS 1943-1945
Siegrunen 82
From the Arctic Circle to the Don River: SS Regiment Thule, 1940-1943
Budapest: The Stalingrad of the Waffen-SS
The "Wallonien"
From the Arctic Circle to the Don River
Siegrunen 81
Siegrunen 80
Britisches Freikorps
Siegrunen 79
French Volunteers of the Waffen-Ss
Estonian Vikings (Stahlhelm S., v. 350)
Nordic Warriors
Budapest (Dover Thrift Editions)
Lions of Flanders (Stahlhelm S., ST160)
Narva 1944