115 books
Ordinary Dey
Aubergine Embers
Amour from Zaltana
The Matchmaker's Apprentice
Nineteen Moons
The Zaltana Matchmaker
Hours of Bellicosity
Indigo Flight: Interim with Academics
Indigo Flight: Inside the Cage
Wrath of the Scapegoat
The Man in the Petticoat
Seeds of Blood
Threnody in the Mausoleum
To Beat or Not to Beat
Persona of Persuasion
Kings, Queens, and All Their Things
The Missing Paraclete
Ghosts in Smoky Visions
Storms on the Horizon
The Shriver of Cheney Town
Indigo Flight
Drag Shergi Mysteries : The Complete Collection
This Isn't Home
Dual Rondo on the Sharne Train