27 books • 1 series
A Journal of the Year of the Pharmacy
Ocotzinalli (and Other New Britain Stories)
Mobilizing Pedagogy
An Atlas of Commonplace. A notebook for artists
Art in Times of Gray Democracy
Die Parabelkonferenz
The Parable Conference
He Was Elan [El Era Brio]
Art Scenes
Onda Corta
Education for Socially Engaged Art
Suite Panamericana
Estela and the Leaves Estela y las Hojas
Artoons. Volume 3
Las Aventuras de Olmeco Beuys
What in the World. A Museum's Subjective Biography
Artoons. Volume 2
The Juvenal Players. A Play
Theatrum Anatomicum (and Other Performance Lectures)
The Boy Inside the Letter
El Nio En La Letra (Traducciones)