Erika Deery was born and raised in Mexico and has called Australia home for over a decade. She has always enjoyed creating characters and giving them a personality. In 2014, she wrote 'Millie va al espacio/Millie goes to space' while travelling from Australia to Mexico with her then 6-month-old daughter. It helped a great deal to pass the time on the flight to imagine the adventures she might have gotten up to on a long-haul flight. This was a bilingual book that could be read in English and Spanish. From there, the Millie Books series was born and two more stories have been published. Erika not only wants kids to hear or read stories in English and Spanish. She also wants to give them opportunity to see themselves as someone who can have exciting adventures and be whatever they want to be. Through her books, Erika wants to foster children's sense of curiosity, exploration and imagination. == Erika Deery naci� y creci� en M�xico y ha vivido en Australia por m�s de diez a�os. Siempre le ha gustado crear personajes ydarles una personalidad. En el 2014, escribi� 'Millie va alespacio/Millie goes to space' mientras viajaba con su beb�, entonces de 6 meses, de Australia a M�xico. Esto le ayud� a pasar el tiempo en el largo vuelo mientras imaginaba las aventuras que podr�an ocurrir. Este fue el primer libro biling�e y se puede leer en ingl�s y en espa�ol. De ah� nacieron los cuentos de Millie y se han publicado dos historias m�s. Erika no solo quiere que los ni�os escuchen o lean libros en ingl�s y en espa�ol. Tambi�n quiere darles la oportunidad de verse a ellos mismos como alguien que puede tener aventuras emocionantes y llegar a ser lo que quieran ser. A trav�s de sus libros, Erika quiere fomentar en los ni�os el sentido de curiosidad, exploraci�n e imaginaci�n.