12 books • 2 series
Brahmasūtra (Aurea Vidya Collection, #17)
Die Sutra's des Vedanta oder die Cariraka-Mimansa des Badarayana
The Brahma Sutras with the Commentary of Sankaracharija Traslated Into English by K. M. Banerjea
The Vedanta-Sutras Volume 1
The Vedanta-Sutras Translated by George Thibaut (Volume 3)
The Vedanta-Sutras, with the Sri-Bhashya of Ramanujacharya
The Vedanta-Sutras (PT.2)
The Vedanta-Sutras (PT.1)
The Aphorisms of the Vedanta
The Vedanta-Sutra (Sacred Books of the East, v. 48)
The Vedanta-Sutras
Brahma Sutra