8 books
The chatelaine of Vergi; a romance of the 13th century
The Chatelaine of Vergi; A Romance of the 13th Century. Translated by Alice Kemp-Welch; The French Text from the Edition Raynaud; Introd. by L. Brandin - Scholar's Choice Edition
Grands prosateurs du dix-septième siècle
The Chatelaine of Vergi; A Romance of the 13th Century. Translated by Alice Kemp-Welch; The French Text from the Edition Raynaud; Introd. by L. Brandi
La chanson d'Aspremont, chanson de geste 12e siècle. Texte du manuscrit de Wollaton Hall, édité par Louis Brandin
The History of Fulk Fitz-Warine. Englished by Alice Kemp-Welch with an Introd. by L. Brandin
The Chatelaine of Vergi; A Romance of the 13th Century. Translated by Alice Kemp-Welch; The French Text from the Edition Raynaud; Introd. by L. Brandin
A Book of French Prosody, with Specimens of French Verse from the Twelfth Century to the Present Day