11 books • 1 series
The Variable Fortune and Unhappie Falles of Such Princes as Hath Happened Since the Conquest: Wherein May Be Seene the Instabilitie and Change of State in Great Personages (Classic Reprint)
A Mirour for Magistrates
Sir Thomas Overburies Vision (Classic Reprint)
The Mirrour for Magistrates, as Englands Eliza, Vol. 5: Or the Victorious and Triumphant Reigne of That Virgin Empresse of Sacred Memorie, Elizabeth, Queen of England, France and Ireland, &C (Classic Reprint)
A Winter Nights Vision
Sir Thomas Overburies Vision, 1616; With Introd. by James Maidment
Mirror for Magistrates
Sir Thomas Overburies Vision Volume 2
Sir Thomas Overburies Vision
The Beggers Ape
Richard Niccols (Salzburg studies: Elizabethan & Renaissance studies, No 111)