490 books
New York City
Quince 15
Break the Status Quo! Define Yourself as You Choose!
Better Out Than In I Always Say
Prisoner 24601
Dia de los Muertos
Lessons Learned!
It's Time to Trust My Instincts, Close My Eyes and Leap!
Even if You are Little You can Change a Lot
Nobody but Me is Gonna Change My Story
There are no Traffic Jams on the Extra Mile!
Give 'em the Old Razzle Dazzle!
Broken Crayons Still Color the Same
FATHER Friendly Caring Strong Helpful Generous Brave
Happy Endings Happen by Happenstance
You Wanna be GREAT, then You Gotta CREATE!
This BOTTOM'S Gonna be on TOP!
If the Real World Were a Book, it Would Never Find a Publisher!
Nothing's as Amazing as a MUSICAL!
FATHER - Solid as a ROCK
DAD - Simply, Always There