48 books • 8 series
Attacking with the Isolated Queen's Pawn
A Complete Guide to Practical Play
A Complete Guide to Defending Against 1 d4
Simple and More Simple Chess
First Steps:
Complete Repertoire for Black Using the Sharpest Systems
First Steps: 1 e4 e5
Essential Endgames
The Chess Tactics Detection Workbook
Dangerous Weapons: The Ruy Lopez
The Sicilian Taimanov: Move by Move
The Nimzo-Indian: Move by Move (Move by Move)
Dangerous Weapons: The Caro-Kann
Beating 1e4 E5:
Beating 1 E4 E5
Anti-Sicilians (Dangerous Weapons)
The c3 Sicilian (Starting Out)
The Benoni and Benko (Dangerous Weapons)
Dangerous Weapons: 1 e4 e5
The Nimzo-Indian (Dangerous Weapons)
The Sicilian (Dangerous Weapons) (Starting Out)
Dangerous Weapons: (Dangerous Wepaons)
Discovering Chess Openings
1001 Schachaufgaben