Born in the Bronx, New York, Bruce Cohen's poems and non-fiction essays have appeared in over a hundred literary periodicals such as AGNI, The Georgia Review, The Harvard Review, The New Yorker, Ploughshares, Poetry, Prairie Schooner, and The Southern Review as well as being featured on Poetry Daily and Verse Daily. He has published three previous volumes of poetry: Disloyal Yo-Yo, which was awarded the 2007 Orphic Poetry Prize, SWERVE and PLACEBO JUNKIES CONSPIRING WITH THE HALF-ASLEEP. A new manuscript, Imminent Disappearances, Impossible Numbers & Panoramic X-Rays recently won the Green Rose Prize from New Issues Press and will be published in spring 2016. A recipient of an individual artist grant from the Connecticut Commission on Culture & Tourism, prior to joining the Creative Writing faculty at the University of Connecticut in 2012, he directed, developed, and implemented nationally recognized academic enhancement programs at the University of Arizona, The University of California at Berkeley, and the University of Connecticut.