A trained professional chef as well as a talented photographer, JEAN- FRANCOIS MALLET naturally transitioned from cooking to pursue his passion for images. He worked for some of the biggest names in French Cuisine, such as Jöel Robuchon, Michel Rostang, Michel Kenever and Gaston Lenôtre before becoming a photo-journalist for magazines including Saveurs, Gourmet USA, Elle Ã  Table and Etoiles amongst many others€¦In Western countries, the Chinese food eaten in restaurants is often a far cry from the dishes prepared and served by the Chinese themselves.  This is because the Asian communities that have settled in so-called €˜China Towns' around the world, in cities such as New York, San Francisco, London and Paris, have mastered the art of adapting their cuisine to suit local tastes.  Added to which, this cuisine is often influenced by other Asian dishes, so much so that food served in one city's China Town may be heavily influenced by Vietnamese dishes whereas in another it may more closely resemble Thai cuisine.