49 books
Jean de Fodoas
The Albigensian Treasure
The Blood of Toulouse
The Poison of Goa
The Mystery of the Tiger
The Angel of Lust
Priscilla of Alexandria
The Marvelous Story of Claire d'Amour
The Call of the Beast
Death and the Future Life
La Morte E La Vita Futura
Magiciens Et Illumin s
La Mort et la Vie Future
La clef des choses cachees
Le Poeme de La Jeunesse
Kingdom of Lu
Confucius and His Quest
Comediante; Piece En 1 Actes (220-234 )
Les Levres Et Le Secret; Poesies
Oeuvre Amoureuse Et Sentimentale
Confucius And Lao Tsze
La Mont E Aux Enfers; Po Sies