The author of the book "Soil Microbiology and Biotechnology" Professor Mohammad Miransari, has spent most of his life in research and academy. He was born in 1968 in the village of Mahabad, Province of Isfahan, Iran. His academic life has been in Iran and Canada in the following universities, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran, McGill University, Canada and Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran. He has performed several scientific projects in different parts of the world including Iran, Canada, USA, Switzerland and India. So far his efforts have resulted in more than 50 ISI articles, five text books, and 20 book chapter. He has been editor, author and reviewer for some of the most well known publishers in the world. The most important focus of his research has been the dynamic of N in the soil, use of microbial signal molecules under stress and the use of microbes to alleviate stress. Most of his review articles are related to the use of soil microbes for the production of bioinoculums and alleviations of stress by soil microbes. He would like to serve the scientific community by doing different research activities and publishing them with the help of colleagues from different parts of the world. Hopefully such efforts can be useful and applicable to the scientific community and motivate them to research more and benefit the world people.