I think you would love to read his fascinating story... During childhood, Thomas wasn't unlike any other kid. Being born in Beaumont, California, he was always active, loved to play all kinds of sports, an average student in most school classes. But something has changed when he hit 14 years old. Maybe hormones, staying at home for too long, video games, snacks, or maybe everything together. Suddenly he began gaining weight on a massive scale, almost 20 pounds every year. He toped up at 19 years old... At the peak of his shape, he was weighing almost 350 pounds! Being as 5'9, that definitely wasn't the most comfortable lifestyle to live. Not even mentioning all the psychological and social stress and anxiety he had to deal with. And he stayed like this for three more years. Didn't he try to lose weight, you may ask? Of course, he did. Exercising, all kinds of diet plans, even a personal trainer tried to help him. Nothing has worked long term... But one day, something clicked. After various weight loss attempts, Thomas decided to dive deep into the world of health and fitness all by himself and began searching for answers... and what he found out was quite remarkable. I formula that made him lose 150 pounds in 12 months! That was his 1st perfect shape year... Since the first day of his health and fitness journey, Thomas never looked back and has been studying health and nutrition for almost 10 years now. Today his passion and desire is to help people just like him or anyone who needs his help to get the body and health they want. Just recently, Thomas found his new passion for writing and book publishing - the ability to share his experience and knowledge with more people around the world and give an opportunity to change their lives just like he did. I hope you are going to enjoy his amazing content and use it to make your life better!