Budding novelist Nick Nolan wrote his first mystery in 5th grade and kept angst-ridden journals (featuring lots of sad poetry) during his teen years, but then had to surrender his dream of becoming a writer to fund college. While building a happy life with his partner Jaime, Nick earned two degrees, worked extensively with homeless youth, rescued dogs, restored two homes, traveled extensively through Mexico, and owned scores of unusual cars—including a Dodge Challenger once used in the Mod Squad television series. Nick originally self-published his modern fairy tales (and Book of the Year winners) Strings Attached and Double Bound, and after signing with AmazonEncore in 2009 began writing Black as Snow, based upon Snow White. Today Nick, Jaime, and their two beloved retrievers divide their time between their home in the San Fernando Valley and a mountaintop cabin. Novel #4 is currently under construction.