42 books • 2 series
Miro La Tierra (Poesía) / I Look at the Ground (Poems)
Los Trabajos del Mar (Poesía) / The Jobs of the Sea (Poems)
Desde Entonces (Poesía) / Since Then (Poems)
Islas a la Deriva (Poetry) / Islands Adrift (Poems)
La Sangre de Medusa Y Otros Cuentos Marginales / The Blood of Medusa and Other Marginal Short Stories
El Viento Distante Y Otros Relatos / The Distant Wind and Other Short Stories
No Me Preguntes Cómo Pasa El Tiempo (Poesía) / Don't Ask Me How the Time Goes by (Poems)
Morirás Lejos (Poesía) / You Will Die in a Distant Land (Poems)
Irás Y No Volverás (Poesía) / You'll Go and You'll Not Return (Poems)
Antología de Poesía
Chumash Bereishit Spanish (Jumash Bereshit - Gnesis)
Machzor Hasholeim Medium with Clear Tehillim 4' X 6'
50 Traditional Hymns
Protestant Prayers
Away in a Manger (Gloria, Gloria All Be Blessed!)
50 Christmas Carols
Grænlendinga Saga/Eiríks Saga Rauða
Precationes Christianae
Grettir the Strong Icelandic Saga - Scholar's Choice Edition
Jesus Loves Me
The Arabian Nights. One thousand and one tales of love
Jesus Loves the Little Children
Brennu-Njáls saga