Andrew Schelling lives in the Southern Rocky Mountains, dividing his time between Boulder, Colorado, and a former mining camp in the Indian Peaks. He has worked on land use in the American West, ecology, and wolf reintroduction. Recent books include FROM THE ARAPAHO SONGBOOK (poetry; La Alameda Press, 2011), OLD TALE ROAD (poetry; Empty Bowl Press, 2008) and WILD FORM, SAVAGE GRAMMAR: POETRY, ECOLOGY, ASIA (essays; La Alameda Press, 2003). For thirty years he has studied Sanskrit and Indian raga, and published seven books of translation from India's early poets, most recently a revised edition of DROPPING THE BOW: POEMS OF ANCIENT INDIA (White Pine Press, 2008). He teaches at Naropa University's Jack Kerouac School and at Deer Park Institute in India's bird-rich Himalayan foothills.