21 books
The Sacred and Profane History of the World Connected, Vol. 2 of 4
A Dictionary of the Scripture Proper Names
The Sacred and Profane History of the World, Vol. 3 of 4
Julius Julii
The Sacred and Profane History of the World Connected, from the Creation of the World to the Dissolution of the Assyrian Empire, at the Death of Sardanapalus; And to the Declension of the Kingdoms of Judah and Israel, Under the Reigns of Ahaz and Pekah. I - S
The Sacred and Profane History of the World Connected, from the Creation of the World to the Dissolution of the Assyrian Empire, at the Death of Sardanapalus; And to the Declension of the Kingdoms of Judah and Israel, Under the Reigns of Ahaz and Pekah. I - P
Elegiac Stanzas Occasioned by the Death of the Rev. Charles Wesley, Etc.
Poetic Miscellanies. Written Occasionally, and Addressed to the Author's Relatives, and Particular Friends. by the REV. J. C. [I.E. James Creighton.]
The Christian Soldier
The reciprocal duty of the ministers of Christ, and of the people, respecting each other. By a presbyter of the Church of England.
A Letter, Addressed to Mr. Samuel Bradburn, Containing, Some Strictures on His Pamphlet, Entitled the Question; Are the Methodists Dissenters? by James Creighton, A.B.
Growth in Grace. a Sermon, Preached at the Chapel in West-Street, on Sunday October 1st 1786. by the REV. James Creighton A.B.
A Dialogue in Verse; Occasioned by the Death of the Rev. John Wesley, M.A. March 2. 1791, ... by the Rev. J. Creighton, A.B
Domestic Duties Enforced. a Sermon, Preached at West-Street Chapel Seven-Dials, on Sunday November 9th, MDCCXCIV. by the REV. James Creighton, A.B.
An appeal to the candid and sensible members of the established church, in a series of letters, which passed between four doctors in divinity, and a curate, concerning irregular preaching.
Millennial Liberty, or a Prophetic View of the Messiah's Kingdom, a Poem
Elegiac Stanzas Occasioned by the Death of the Rev. Charles Wesley, A.M. Who Departed This Life, March 29, 1788, in the 80th Year of His Age. by the Rev. James Creighton, A.B.
A Caution Against False Prophets
The Sacred and Profane History of the World Connected, from the Creation of the World to the Dissolution of the Assyrian Empire, at the Death of Sardanapalus; And to the Declension of the Kingdoms of Judah and Israel, Under the Reigns of Ahaz and Pekah. I
Guide To Social Impact Assessment
Discopaedia of the Violin