14 books
Vetus Latium Profanum; In Quo Agitur de Lanuvinis, Et Ardeatibus (5 )
Le Doyen de Killerine (1)
Magazin Fur Die Neue Historie Und Geographie Angelegt (18)
Elements D'Acoustique Musicale & Instrumentale; Comprenant L'Examen de La Construction Thoorique de Tous Les Instruments de Musique En Usage Dans L'Or
La Philosophie Positive (12-13 )
Die Kunstdenkmaler Badens (6 )
Memoires Du Cardinal DuBois (2)
Biennial Report of the Department of Labor and Industry
Montana Annual Labor Market Planning Information (2001)
Biennial Report of the Department of Labor and Industry (Volume 1919-20)
Biennial Report of the Department of Labor and Industry (Volume 1915-16)
Biennial Report of the Department of Labor and Industry (Volume 1913-14)
The Patrimony of the Roman Church in the Time of Gregory the Great