55 books • 23 series
Terrorism (Greenhaven Encyclopedia of)
Issues in Censorship (Contemporary Issues)
The Disappearance of Amelia Earhart (The mystery library)
Civil War - L (Greenhaven Encyclopedia of)
Paranormal Phenomena (Greenhaven Encyclopedia of) (Lucent overview)
Environmental Groups (Lucent overview)
Ancient Egypt (Greenhaven Encyclopedia of)
Apache Warriors (Daily Life)
Issues in the Environment (Contemporary Issues)
ESP (The mystery library)
Switzerland (Modern nations of the world)
Maya Civilization (World history)
Understanding the Canterbury Tales (Understanding great literature)
Angels (The mystery library)
Pirates (Daily Life)
Encyclopedia of Movie Special Effects
The Viking Conquest (World history)
The Curse of King Tut (The mystery library)
Alien Abductions (The mystery library)
Unicorns (The mystery library)
Life on an Everest Expedition (The way people live)
Ufos (The mystery library)
Haunted Houses (The mystery library)
Japan (Modern nations of the world)