32 books • 3 series
Alien Safari: Underworld
Alien Safari: Kingdom
Alien Safari: Genesis
Alien Safari: White Water
Alien Safari: Apex
Wild Descent (Beyond Limits, #2)
Wild Horizon (Beyond Limits, #1)
Bristol RE Buses and Coaches
The Leyland National
Mrs. Harry St. John: A Realistic Novel of Boston Fashionable Life (Classic Reprint)
East Anglian Buses 1970 to 1995
Star Binder
Cruel Deceit
Sunset on Ramree
The Eleven Hour Fall Trilogy
Alien Safari
Yuletide Miracle (The Steam Clock Legacy)
Imperial Clock
Contrived Fate
Prehistoric Clock
Carina Press Presents: Editor's Choice Volume II
Cyber Sparks
Pyro Canyon
Alien Velocity