Pablo Hidalgo (Author)
Pablo Hidalgo has been writing professionally about Star Wars since 1995. In 2000, he joined Lucasfilm to become a full-time Star Wars authority, first as a writer, and now as a creative executive in story development. He has written or co-written several authoritative Star Wars reference books, including DK's best-selling Star Wars: The Force Awakens The Visual Dictionary, Star Wars: Rogue One The Ultimate Visual Guide, and Star Wars: The Last Jedi Visual Dictionary. He lives in San Francisco.

Dan Zehr (Author)
Dan Zehr is a podcaster, writer, and lifelong Star Wars fan. He is the creator and host of Coffee With Kenobi, a popular Star Wars podcast. Zehr is also a longtime contributor to the official Star Wars site and is the co-author of several books, including The Star Wars Book, Star Wars Character Encyclopedia Updated and Expanded Edition, Star Wars: I Am Your Father, and the Star Wars Encyclopedia. When not examining the galaxy far, far away, he works as a high school English teacher with an emphasis on Mythology and Composition and has an MS in Teaching and Learning.