53 books
The Shakesperian Drama
Homer's Odyssey
The American Ten Years' War, 1855-1865
European History
Psychology and the Psychosis Intellect (Classic Reprint)
Goethe's Faust, Vol. 1
Goethe's Faust
Abraham Lincoln an Interpretation in Biography (Large Text Classic Reprint)
Abraham Lincoln an Interpretation in Biography (Classic Reprint)
The Father of History
A Writer of Books, in His Genesis: Written for and Dedicated to His Pupil-Friends Reaching Back in a Line of Fifty Years (Classic Reprint)
Prorsus Retrorsus (Classic Reprint)
Lincoln in the Black Hawk War: An Epos of the Northwest (Classic Reprint)
An Epigrammatic Voyage (Classic Reprint)
The Psychology of Froebel's Play-Gifts (Classic Reprint)
A Tour in Europe (Classic Reprint)
Lincoln in the White House: A Dramatic Epos of the Civil War (Classic Reprint)
The Biocosmos, the Processes of Life Psychologically Ordered (Classic Reprint)
Delphic Days (Classic Reprint)
The Shakespearian Drama
Cosmos and Diacosmos
Lincoln at Richmond: A Dramatic Epos of the Civil War (Classic Reprint)
Homer in Chios. an Epopee