26 books • 11 series
The 22 Letters
El Amigo Secreto de Barney (Exit Record)
Adventure Stories (Red Hot Reads)
Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada
Stig of the Dump (Tie-in)
The Cambridge Illustrated Glossary of Botanical Terms
Common Families of Flowering Plants
A Touch of Class (Red Fox young adult fiction)
Puffin Cover to Cover Story Tapes
The Sound of Propellers
The Seashore People
The Sound of Propellors
Snakes and Snakes (Rockets S.)
First Day Out (Hipsters S.)
Accident (Hipsters S.)
High Jacks, Low Jacks (Hipsters S.)
The Secret (Hipsters S.)
100 Families of Flowering Plants
Ninny's Boat
Birds from Africa (New Starters S.)
Devil's Cut
Me and My Million (New Windmills)
The Twenty-Two Letters
The Night the Water Came