17 books • 6 series
Libya (Enchantment of the World) (Enchantment of the World)
Afghanistan (Enchantment of the World, Second)
Kuwait (Enchantment of the World, Second)
Lebanon (Enchantment of the World, Second)
Vietnam (Enchantment of the World, Second)
Qatar (Enchantment of the World, Second)
Venezuela (Enchantment of the World, Second)
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Enchantment of the World)
Romania (Enchantment of the World)
Land Use and Abuse (Saving Planet Earth)
Libya (Enchantment of the World, Second)
Cars--An Environmental Challenge (Saving Planet Earth)
Serengeti Plain (Wonders of the World)
St. Lawrence River and Seaway (Wonders of the World)
Sichuan Panda Forests (Wonders of the World)
Healing the Land (Restoring Nature-Success Stories)
Tribal Rules (Native Latin American Cultures)