20 books • 7 series
Erasmus, the Reformer
Late Monasticism and Reformation
Dickens, A.G. English Reformation, the
The Reformation in Europe
Reformation in Historical Thought
The Reformation, The
Reformation Studies
Contemporary Historians of the German Reformation (Bithell Memorial Lectures, #4)
The Courts of Europe
German Nation and Martin Luther
Age of Humanism and Reformation
Martin Luther and the Reformation (Men & Their Times S.)
Thomas Cromwell and the English Reformation (Men & Their Times S.)
The Counter Reformation (Library of European Civilization)
The Reformation in England to the Accession of Elizabeth I (Documents of Modern History)
Reformation and Society in Sixteenth Century Europe (Library of European Civilization) (History of European Civilization Library)
English Reformation
Lollards & Protestants in the Diocese of York, 1509-58 (History Reprint) (University Hull Publications)