16 books • 2 series
Sparkee and the Stinky Treasure
Scarface is gonna go boom (Batman Strikes!)
Frozen solid by Mr Freeze (Batman Strikes!)
The Batman is on Fire (Batman Strikes!)
Catwoman gets busted by the Batman (Batman Strikes!)
Batman Strikes! Pack B of 4 (Batman Strikes!)
Batman Strikes! Pack A of 3 (Batman Strikes!)
Going...Batty! (Batman Strikes!)
Bane on the Rampage! (Batman Strikes!)
In the Clutches of the Penguin! (Batman Strikes!, #1)
Joker's Wild! (Batman Strikes!, #3)
The Batman Strikes, Volume 3
The Batman Strikes, Volume 4
Disney's Lilo & Stitch (Comic Zone, #1)
The Batman Strikes (Batman Strikes!, #3)
Batman Strikes Crime Time (Batman Strikes!, v. 1)