37 books • 3 series
Making 1+1=3
The Evolving Railway
Composition Notebook
The Intelligent Investor
Change your habits, change your life
Walking in Winter on the Camino
Pockets full of stuff
Helicity Asymmetry E in Eta (547) Meson Photoproduction from the Proton
North East, East and South East London (British Railways Past & Present S., #7)
Illustrated History of Diesel Multiple-units
The British Railway Routes Then and Now (British Railways Past & Present)
Cost Management for Profitable Food and Beverage Operations
Kent and East Sussex (British Railways Past & Present S., #20)
Steam Around London
The Power of the Bulleid Pacifics
British Railways
Ian Allan Railway Annual
British Railways Past and Present (British Railways Past & Present S.) (British Railways Past & Present)
A Cause for Dying
Motive Power Review
Blood Brother
Britain's Railways by Night