52 books • 1 series
Narrative, Lyric, and Dramatic
The Poems of Emma Lazarus Jewish Poems; Translations Volume 2
The Poems of Emma Lazarus; Narrative, Lyric, and Dramatic Volume 1
Catalogue of the Pedestal Fund Art Loan Exhibition...
The Poems of Emma Lazarus (Volume 1); Narrative, Lyric, and Dramatic
The Poems of Emma Lazarus, Volume 2 Jewish poems (Dover Thrift Editions, #1)
The Spagnoletto the Spagnoletto
Poems and Ballads of Heinrich Heine
Catalogue of the Pedestal Fund Art Loan Exhibition at the National Academy of Design
Alide an episode of Goethe's life
Catalogue of the Pedestal Fund Art Loan Exhibition at the National Academy of Design; December, 1883
The Spagnoletto [a Play in 5 Acts] Unpublished Manuscript
Songs of a Semite; The Dance to Death and Other Poems
Admetus and Other Poems
The Spagnoletto
The Poems of Emma Lazarus, Volume I (Dover Thrift Editions)
The Poems of Emma Lazarus, Volume 2
Songs of a Semite
The Poems of Emma Lazarus, Vol. I (Dodo Press)
The Poems of Emma Lazarus, Vol. II (Dodo Press)
Admetus, and Other Poems. by Emma Lazarus.
The Poems of Emma Lazarus; Volume 1
The Poems of Emma Lazarus ... (Dover Thrift Editions, #2)
The Poems of Emma Lazarus, V2