40 books
The Poetical Works of John Trumbull
An Essay on the Use and Advantages of the Fine Arts
Theology Explained and Defended
Our Country; A History of the United States, from the Discovery of America to the Present Time Volume 2
Our Country
Earliest Works of John Trumbull
Andrew Melodies
Autobiography, Reminiscences and Letters of John Trumbull, from 1756 to 1841
The Poetical Works of John Trumbull, LL. D. Containing M'Fingal, a Modern Epic Poem, Revised and Corrected, with Copious Explanatory Notes
The Poetical Works of John Trumbull, LL. D.
The Poetical Works of John Trumbull, Volume I
Poetry - An Elegy on the Death of Mr. Buckingham St. John
The Autobiography of Colonel John Trumbull, Patriot-Artist 1756-1843
The Autobiography of John Trumbull, Patriot and Artist, 1756-1843