45 books • 1 series
The Other Side of the Question, or an Attempt to Rescue the Characters of the Two Royal Sisters Q. Mary and Q. Anne, Out of the Hands of the D -S D of
The Protester, on Behalf of the People
Of the Use and Abuse of Parliaments, Vol. 2 of 2
The Case of Our Present Theatrical Disputes, Fairly Stated
The Groans of Germany, or the Enquiry of a Protestant German Into the Original Cause of the Present Distractions of the Empire
A Critical Review of the Public Buildings, Statues, and Ornaments, in and about London and Westminster (Classic Reprint)
Best Utilize Time for Winning Results
A Critical Review of the Public Buildings; Statues, and Ornaments, in and about London and Westminster
A Critical Review of the Public Buildings, Statues, and Ornaments, in and about London and Westminster; Originally Written by - Ralph, Architect, an
The History of England, During the Reigns of K. William, Q. Anne and K. George I; With an Introductory Review of the Reigns of the Royal Brothers, Charles and James Volume 2
A Critical History of the Administration of Sr. Robert Walpole, Now Earl of Orford
The case of our present theatrical disputes
The Other Side of the Question; Or, an Attempt to Rescue the Characters of the Two Royal Sisters Q. Mary and Q. Anne, Out of the Hands of the D---S D----- Of -----. in Which All the Remarkables in Her Grace's Late Account Are Stated in
Zeuma, Or, the Love of Liberty
A Critical History of the Administration of Sr. Robert Walpole, Now Earl of Orford; Collected Chiefly from the Debates in Parliament, and the Political Writers on Both Sides. to the Whole Are Prefix'd, Some Particulars of Mr. Walpole's Public Life, Before
The Touch-Stone; Or, Historical, Critical, Political, Philosophical, and Theological Essays on the Reigning Diversions of the Town. by a Person of Some Taste and Some Quality. with a Preface, Giving an Account of the Author and the Work
Of the Use and Abuse of Parliaments (Volume 1); In Two Historical Discourses
A Critical Review of the Publick Buildings; Statues and Ornaments In, and about London and Westminster. to Which Is Prefix'd, the Dimensions of St. Peter's Church at Rome, and St. Paul's Cathedral at London
Of the Use and Abuse of Parliaments (Volume 2); In Two Historical Discourses
The Protester
The Groans of Germany
The Case of Our Present Theatrical Disputes, Fairly Stated. in Which Is Contained, a Succinct Account of the Rise, Progress and Declension of the Ancient Stage; A Comprehensive View of the Management of the Italian, Spanish, French and Dutch Theatres ..
The Case of Authors by Profession or Trade, Stated
Miscellaneous Poems, Viz.