Born and raised in the Chicago area, Gerri R. Gray is a cemetery photographer and a lifelong aficionado of horror, dark humor, and high camp. She blames her twisted sense of humor on a wayward adolescence influenced by the likes of Monty Python, Charles Addams, Frank Zappa, and John Waters. Her interest in writing started early on in life, and she began writing poetry, music, short stories, and plays while a teenager in the 1970s. Her first notable publication occurred in October of 1976 and was an interview the she and her cousin conducted with Ides of March singer/songwriter, Jim Peterik (who went on to find even greater success with the rock group, Survivor.) Her poetry has appeared in a number of literary journals and anthologies, including The Poet, Xenomorph, The Kindred Spirit, and, most recently, Beautiful Tragedies and Poetry Quarterly. In 1980 she founded a small publishing company called, Golden Isis Press, and did double duty as editor and publisher of Golden Isis Magazine until its discontinuation in the early 1990s. Writing under a pen name inspired by an H.P. Lovecraft novel, she began a successful career as an occult author in the late 1980s and, over the course of two decades, had over two-dozen books on various New Age subjects published by Citadel Press, Penguin, New Page Books and Adams Media. Gerri's non-fiction article, "The House of Many Shadows", appeared in Lynda Lee Macken's book, Ghost Hunting the Mohawk Valley (Black Cat Press, 2012). It chronicled the paranormal activity and investigations which took place at the historic 19th century mansion in Upstate New York that the Grays currently live in, and out of which they operated a bed and breakfast themed after the 1960's supernatural daytime drama, Dark Shadows. She has also contributed to Beautiful Tragedies (by Xtina Marie) and Demons, Devils & Denizens of Hell 2 (by P. Mattern). Both anthologies are published by HellBound Books Publishing. Gerri's love of writing and her warped imagination fornicated and spawned a bizarre love child, which turned out to be her first novel: The Amnesia Girl (HellBound Books, 2017). Her collection of dark poetry and short horror stories, Gray Skies of Dismal Dreams, has been accepted for publication by HellBound Books and is scheduled for release in early 2018. A second novel (even more bizarre than the first) is currently in the works!