710 books • 2 series
The Works of the Right Honorable Edmund Burke (Volume 8); Speeches and Correspondence
Betrachtungen Uber Die Franzosische Revolution (2)
An Account of the European Settlements in America (Volume 2); Containing an Accurate Description of Their Extent, Climate, Productions, Trade, Genius, and Dispositions of Their Inhabitants, the Interests of the Several Powers of Europe with Respect to Those S
The Beauties of the Late Right Hon. Edmund Burke (Volume 2)
Reflections on the Revolution in France, and on the Proceedings of Certain Societies in London Relative to That Event
Letters Speeches and Tracts on Irish Affairs
The Writings and Speeches of Edmund Burke (Volume 5)
Burke's Philosophical Inquiry Into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful; With an Introductory Discourse Concerning Taste
The Works of Edmund Burke (Volume 15)
Speech of Edmund Burke, Esq. Member of Parliament for the City of Bristol; On Presenting to the House of Commons (on the 11th of February, 1780) a Plan for the Better Security of the Independence of Parliament, and the Oeconomical Reformation of the Civil
An Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs, in Consequence of Some Late Discussions in Parliament, Relative to the Reflections on the French Revolution (Volume 1)
An Account of the European Settlements in America (Volume 1); Containing an Accurate Description of Their Extent, Climate, Productions, Trade, Genius, and Dispositions of Their Inhabitants, the Interests of the Several Powers of Europe with Respect to Those S
Burke on Conciliation with the Colonies
The Wisdom of Burke; Extracts from His Speeches and Writings
The Works and Correspondence Ofedmund Burke (Volume 7)
The Annual Register of World Events (Volume 137)
On Taste; On the Sublime and Beautiful Reflections on the French Revolution a Letter to a Noble Lord with Introduction, Notes and Illustrations
The Writings and Speeches of Edmund Burke (Volume 2)
Extracts from Burke's Earlier Writings, with Notes by C.E. Moberly
Annual Register (Volume 138); World Events in
The Works of Edmund Burke (Volume 11)
Writings and Speeches (Volume 6)
Letter to a Member of the National Assembly
Dodsley's Annual Register Volume 80