I have always wanted to be an author. I have worked as a journalist, teacher and university lecturer in my career to date. I have lived in the USA, Sudan, Japan and Portugal. I have returned to live in the UK having absorbed the different ways of thinking and learning in the world. Learning through experience and actively seeking a valid solution seems a common goal in most cultures, hence my interest in Writing Reflectively. I have worked for the University of Sussex, Southampton  and Portsmouth where I am currently employed as a lecturer in Academic Skills. In my free-time I enjoy the challenge of preparing work for presentation in art galleries. I like water sports and fishing. I count birds every year in the British Breeding Bird Survey for the RSPB where I specialise in warblers, and on that note I should probably end this biography! I live where I grew up in the Chichester area and enjoy the flora, fauna and local archaeology. I am very nearly 60, but I still play five a side football and jog a lot.