David Goad (P.Eng. MBA PMP CPIM) David has over 30 years of industry experience having held senior leaderships roles with recognized IT brands such as KPMG Consulting, Microsoft and Hitachi Solutions. A consummate entrepreneur David has created his own successful IT start-up, built it up to being a global award-winning business and then sold it off. Currently a Post-Graduate Fellow at Sydney University, David teaches at both Sydney University and the University of New South Wales in the areas of Innovation, Business Applications, Digital Business Management and Accounting Information Systems. His research areas are the Internet of Things, Business Models and Innovation. A published author he has presented his work on IoT Architecture at the American Conference on Information Systems. He is a member of the IoT Association of Australia and provides consulting advice to entrepreneurs starting new businesses and to enterprises developing their IoT strategy. (www.linkedin.com/in/dgoad/)