23 books • 3 series
Race and the Renewal of the Church
Race and the Renewal of the Church (Classic Reprint)
Crashing the Idols
Writings on Reconciliation and Resistance
Up To Our Steeples in Politics
The Failure and the Hope
Robert G. Clark's Journey to the House
Soul Among Lions
Cecelia's Sin
Brother to a Dragonfly (Banner Books)
God on Earth
Shugah and Doops (Father Thyme)
And Also with You (Thl)
Bluebirds Always Come on Sunday (Father Thyme)
The Pear Tree That Bloomed in the Fall (Father Thyme)
The Stem of Jesse
Chester and Chun Ling
The Convention
Forty Acres and a Goat (Banner Books)
Cecilia's (I.E. Cecelia's) Sin
The Glad River