When Cheryl was a kid, her family bet her ten dollars that she couldn't keep silent for an entire family meal. It was the easiest money her family won. Cheryl never stops talking, let alone writing, designing, or cooking. This means she never stops creating. As a mother to three kids who have only two modes - awake and asleep - it also means she simply never stops. It might be her Ukrainian heritage and the work ethic that comes with it, or perhaps it is simply a matter of there always being something fun to do. In the midst of full-time motherhood, Cheryl finds time to write books, teach quilting, and maintain a small freelance writing career. Calgary, Alberta, is home for Cheryl, who lives with her wickedly handsome and sarcastic husband; two gregarious girls with enough wit, charm, and energy to feed a village; and one little boy who is happy to take in the day with eyes wide open. Her perfect day starts with tea and the family (wrestling match optional). Most likely it ends with a cocktail (gin in the summer and scotch in the winter) and conversation. And somewhere in there she will quilt.