David Hart was born and grew up in Aberystwyth (of English parents), hence this book's albeit fictional setting, the book written in Birmingham in the shadow of the construction of the new Library of Birmingham. David, in this city most of his life, has been university chaplain, Birmingham Post theatre critic, worked for the then West Midlands Arts and for many years now freelance as a poet, including hospitals, Worcester Cathedral and poetry festival residencies. He has won First & Second prizes in the Poetry Society's National Poetry Competition and won the Irish National Competition. He was the first selected Birmingham Poet Laureate. His books of poetry include Setting the poem to words, Running Out, Crag Inspector (a poem of Bardsey Island), all Five Seasons Press, The Titanic Café closes its doors...(Nine Arches), shortlisted for the Michael Marks Pamphlet Award. He is an Elected member of the Welsh Academy. The present book began during his time as Library of Birmingham Poet, during the transition from the old to the new.