John Nofsinger earned his B.S. in electrical engineering from Washington State University, his M.B.A. from Chapman University, and his Ph.D. in finance from Washington State University. He is Professor and William H. Seward Endowed Chair of International Finance at the University of Alaska Anchorage. Dr. Nofsinger has written more than 50 articles in the areas of investments, corporate finance, and behavioral finance. Dr. Nofsinger has authored (or co-authored) 10 trade books, scholarly books, and textbooks that have been translated into 11 different languages. The most prominent of these books is The Psychology of Investing. Dr. Nofsinger is a leading expert in behavioral finance and is a frequent speaker on this topic at industry conferences, universities, and academic conferences. He is frequently quoted or appears in the financial media, including the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Fortune, Bloomberg Businessweek, the Washington Post, and CNBC.